2024 June

We have re-opened this web site’s online shop. In recent years until the end of last year (2023), this website was becoming more and more popular for local customers ordering small frangipani plants, some for delivery but mostly for pick up. We tried to combine this shop with our “Frangipani Tree” online shop but orders from local customers dropped. off, so we decided to open up the shop on this website again.

We have removed all frangipani trees from this website, includes 500mm pots, 45 LTR bags and larger. We have added, and updated, frangipani varieties that we are selling for 2 LTR, 5 LTR, 8 LTR, 12 LTR, 17 LTR and, in some cases, 20 LTR pots. A couple of years ago, we started adding one or two larger frangipani trees to each category but after we sold the tree though our tree website, this website still showed it as “available” which was a problem a few times so now they are visible on our tree website only.

We have moved our “Frangipani Collection Blog” to another website. I never liked having a list of frangipani varieties that we grow AND having an online shop with a shorter list of frangipani varieties on the same website. We recently bought Frangipanis dot au and I decided to use it for our “Collection Blog”. This website can now focus on our most important frangipani varieties, the varieties that we are selling.

We have moved our Frangipani Flower Slide Show too. To see our slide show and our collection blog, go to the sitemap and follow the link to frangipanis do au.

2021 July

My wife and I are stuck in Sydney due to the Queensland – New South Wales border being closed. As frustrating as it is not being able to work at the nursery, I’m excited to work on this website and write this blog post. We also get to spend some quality time with my ailing mother. (Her final year before dementia really hits her).

As mentioned in a previous blog post, we changed our “shop” to a “catalogue”. Instead of getting “orders”, we’ve been getting “enquiries”. This has been very interesting to see which frangipani varieties are popular and where people looking to buy frangipani plants are located. I’ve recently changed the “catalogue” back to an “online shop”.

2019 October

Having an online catalogue and getting many enquiries has been and will continue to be very interesting. It’s interesting to learn which flower colours are popular in which areas. It’s amazing how many people in Sydney are interested in a single small white and single small hot pink frangipani plants. Unfortunately, I’ve chosen not to reply anymore to those in places which are difficult or impossible to send frangipanis to and to those interested in only a small number of small frangipanis in distant locations. Apologies if you’re waiting for a reply and don’t get one. I will look into making some web site changes to discourage those people from submitting unnecessarily submitting an enquiry.

2019 March

Over the last 12 months, all the action has been over on our frangipani trees website and this website, unfortunately, has gone a little quiet. We’ve decided to make some big changes to this website. We’ve modified our “online shop” to be an “online catalogue”. We’ve removed all frangipani prices and delivery prices. Customers can still place items into a virtual cart but instead of checking out, customers hit the “submit an enquiry” button (previously the checkout button).

We will try to reply to all enquiries with availability, prices, transport options and then, when helpful, frangipani photos to customers.

2017 September

Our NEW online shop is now fully functioning and able to accept orders. We have just finished uploading our 15 most favourite frangipani varieties. Most varieties show only a few available sizes however if you would like a particular size which is not listed, please contact us.

We have many frangipanis that are ready for sale and many that will be ready soon that are not listed on this website.

We still have not decided on how best to display current photos of our available frangipani plants yet but we’ve narrowed our options down to three. We have the option to add additional photos to each online shop section. We also have the option to email photos after receiving preliminary orders.

The third option, and our exciting new project, is to create a blog with a page for each frangipani variety. While this might be a good way to show our available frangipanis, it might turn out to be a place for us to just show off our all our frangipani plants.