Nursery Visits

To make your visit more enjoyable, please look through the information on this page. The information on this page will also help you help us be prepared for your visit.

Visits By Appointment Only

Please make an advanced appointment so we will make sure someone (most likely David) is working on the frangipani plants when you arrive so you can be met quickly.

Preferred Appointment Times

During the hotter months of the year, our black weed mats and our hothouse tunnels can exceed 60 degree Celsius so we try to keep the middle of the day for computer work, rest, lunch and sometimes even a siesta.

Our preferred appointment times in the summer are late in the afternoon or early in the morning. For example, in January, 7am or 4pm is ideal.

Our preferred appointment times in the winter are more flexible and closer to the middle of the day. For example, 9am to 11am in the morning and 2pm to 4pm in the afternoon.

Preferred Appointment Days

Most days are suitable for customer appointments including Saturdays and Sundays however we are sometimes closed for visits for a scheduled day-off or deliveries.

How to get the best frangipani and the best value for money.

We are primarily a production nursery and have thousands of frangipani plants spread over several acres of land. If we know what kind of frangipani plants a customer is looking for, we can locate the area with the most suitable plants and even bring 1 or 2 from another section for comparison.

If we know what size and variety of frangipani tree a customer is looking for, we can narrow the search down to a small number of trees, including (in our opinion). Ideally, we’d like to show you the best, in our opinion, value frangipani trees. and compare to a cheaper option and a better more expensive option.

Please let us know what you are looking for BEFORE your visit.

Please indicate preferred flower colours, sizes and features before visiting so we can consider all our stock and determine the best quality, the most suitable and the best value plants to show you.

In the past, some customers put me on the spot with their request. I scratched my head thinking of which of our 3000 frangipanis tick all the boxes while we walked to 2 or 3 different groups of frangipanis. Quite often just after the customer leaves the nursery, or the next day, I remember a single frangipani tree or a group of frangipanis that we should have looked at.

Submit A Preliminary Order

Sometimes customers place on order which includes a frangipani tree or a frangipani variety size that is labelled “sold out”. This works well because it’s easy for us to offer alternatives and since the we have the customer”s name and delivery address, we feel closer to finalizing the order, so we have more motivation than a vague email to locate plants and reply to the customer, particularly in busy periods where we get several email enquiries each day.

Click and Collect

Submit your order through our Online Shop. Choose bank transfer or Cash-on-Collection. Pay in advance or on collection. We will check our available stock and choose our best plants for your order.

Since plants are always growing and improving, it makes sense to sell our best plants first and give the other plants more time.

Current Photos of Our Frangipani Plants

If you are planning to spend more than $100 and do not live locally, we are more than happy to send you photos of suitable frangipanis.

Please read Information For Visitors before your visit.