Cherry Clusters Frangipani Flower


The Cherry Clusters frangipani is also known as Dwarf Watermelon and 100 Pink. It is a dwarf and it produces blooms with an abundance of cute compact flowers making it one of the more easy to recognized frangipani flowers.

Candy Rainbow Frangipani Flowers


The Candy Rainbow frangipani is a mostly pink flower with white and an orange throat. It could be put into the pink or tricolour categories. There are numerous frangipani flowers with similar colour combinations but it can be distinguished by it’s shade of pink and petal shape.

Buttercup Frangipani Flower


The buttercup frangipani is a mostly yellow flower which has petals which overlap. Most frangipani flowers open and flex whereas the buttercup flower stays more upright creating a cup-like shape.