Sharna’s Pink Frangipani Flowers


The Sharna’s Pink frangipani (also known as Sharna’s Rose or just Sharna) is considered by our customers, overall, to be our most beautiful frangipani flower. It’s also our favourite flower with Razzmic Honey a close second. The flowers have a soft pink which blends into white and yellow and has thin red trimming on the lower edge of each petal. It has wide, overlapping petals making the flower shape just a beautiful as the colours.

Sharna photos are often used to sell generic categories like pink or tricolour but it’s almost certain the buyer will get a cheaper more common variety.

Sericifolia Frangipani Flowers


Plumeria sericifolia is a species of frangipani with one variety. It’s sometimes grouped into the obtusa species and labelled “Plumeria obtusa var. serificolia”.
It’s a bushy, fast growing, hardy, dwarf frangipani with glossy leaves which ar thinner than other obtusa leaves but thicker than stenophylla leaves.
A number of years ago, we kindly received a few sericifolia cuttings. We have been doing our best to propagate them and make them available but we still only have a limited number.

Scarlett Frangipani Flowers


The Scarlett frangipani has a beautifully shaped reddish pink flower with a large orange centre. We have only one small tree and are not propagating or selling this variety yet.

Ruby Gold Frangipani Flower


The Ruby Gold frangipani flower, as the name suggests, has an orange or gold throat which blends into a light pink. The reddish pink band extends out from the throat and all the way round the petal. The side of each petal has an attractive curl, like an ocean wave.

Red Knight Frangipani Flowers


The Red Knight frangipani flower is no doubt the darkest red we’ve seen. We have been propagating this variety ourselves for a number of years and is now occasionally available for purchase.